Useful commands for managing your server

< > :: required | [ ] :: optional | aliases :: second name

Total: 11 ( +15 subcommands )

announcerole <role>
aliases: ar

Makes a role mentionable and removes it whenever you mention the role

ban <member> [reason]

Bans a user from the current server. Doesn't delete any messages.


Finds a user within your search term

kick <member> [reason]

Kicks a member from the server.

massban <reason> [members...]

Mass bans multiple members from the server.

mute <member> [reason]

Mutes a user from the current server.

nickname <member> [name]
aliases: nick

Change nickname of a member.

aliases: clear

Removes messages from the current server.

unban <member> [reason]

Unbans a user from the current server.

unmute <member> [reason]

Unmutes a user from the current server.

warn <member> <reason>

Warn a member.