Commands to get useful(sometimes) info from
< > :: required | [ ] :: optional | aliases :: second name
27 ( +5 subcommands )
announce [message]
aliases: announcement
Interactively way to announce something on the server.
botprefixlist <bots>
Get a cool list of default prefixes of given bots!
choose <things>
Compare things to see which is better
colorify <image> <color> [background_color]
aliases: colourify
Color any picture or someones avatar to a color of choice!
customembed [--chan CHANNEL] [--th THUMBNAIL] [-i IMAGE] [--fi FOOTER_ICON] [-a AUTHOR] [-f FOOTER] [-c COLOUR=0] [-u URL] [-d DESCRIPTION] [-t TITLE]
aliases: embed, embedmaker, ce
Create your own custom embed using many things!
device [member]
Check if a user is on mobile or desktop!
dm <member> <message>
Makes the bot DM someone with the specified message.
aliases: emote
View, copy, add or remove emoji.
google <search> [--sm SAFEMODE=True]
aliases: g, search
Search something on Google!
aliases: botinvite, join
Invite me to your server
lyrics <song>
Gets lyrics to the given song.
map <place> [zoom=12]
Gets maps to the given address.
pin <message_id>
Pins a message to the current channel.
aliases: randomuser
Get a random member from the server and see when they joined.
report <bug>
Report a bug or grammer mistake with this.
review <review>
aliases: review's
Review me! and get featured on my website!
spotify [member]
Get the current song that you or another member is listening to
suggest <suggestion>
Suggest a command or anything to improve me.
aliases: supportserver, botserver
Get an invite to my support server!
time [tz]
Get the current date and time for a time zone.
unpin <message_id>
Unpins a message from the current channel.
Tells you how long the bot has been up for.
To vote on me on bot listing sites.
urban <search>
Find the 'best' definition to your search.
value <amount> <base> <to>
Converts from one currency to another
wiki <search>
aliases: wikipedia
Search up something on wikipedia